24th International conference on solid state ionics
Fundamentals, Characterisation and Devices for a NetZero World15th – 19th July, 2024
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Sunday July 14th
Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th
Wednesday July 17th

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SolidState ionics is the fundamental underpinning science behind many of the electrochemical technologies needed to achieve net zero, such as fuelcells, electrolysers to produce green hydrogen, Li and sodium batteries for transport and grid storage.
The focus of this conference has been how to promote basic research, materials discovery and materials processing for application in the electrochemical devices urgently needed to achieve the green energy transition. It was also focused on the advanced characterisation and modelling techniques necessary to support and accelerate this process. Finally we covered the application in to a range of devices including novel applications in electronics.
There was tutorials for research students and postdocs new to the field of solid state ionics, which was held on Sunday the 14th of July starting at 10:00am. The tutorials were organised into two parallel sessions, one dealing with the fundamentals of solid state ionics and an introduction to SSI devices, the other covered advanced characterisation techniques covering surface and bulk analysis.
Conference Topics


Many more speakers took part in the Solid State Ionics 24 Conference. Check the full list here: