Solid State Ionics 2024

Tutorial Presentations

Advanced techniques

An Introduction to Atom Probe Tomography

James. O. Douglas

Department of Materials, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London,
London, SW7 2AZ, UK

Low Energy Ion Scattering – Quantitative Surface Analysis

Philipp Brüner


In Situ and OperandoElectrochemical Techniques

T. M. Huber

Huber Scientific

Fundamentals of machinelearning: data, models, examples

Ronan Docherty

Materials, Imperial college London

From Fundamentals to Devices


Francesco Chiabrera

Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)

Fundamentals: Part 1 – Defect notation to Brouwer diagrams

George F. Harrington

Department of Chemistry – University of Bath, UK

Ion Migration in Solids(Models, Methods, Materials)

H. Martin R. Wilkening

Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials, NAWI, Graz University of Technology

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolysers

Robert Leah

Ceres Power Limited

Tutorial: Batteries (incl. K-Ion Batteries)

Yang Xu

Department of Chemistry, University College London